Scoring, Points & Leagues

Monthly Competitions

In each monthly competition, points will be awarded for each photograph on a scale of 1 to 20 (highest) using whole numbers, typically using a range of 12 - 20.  

Only two highest scores from each round of the competition (PDI, Print, Overall) will count towards placement in the league table. In the event of a tie, placement will be based on number of 20s from all entries, then number of 19s etc.

Monthly Competition Leagues

To allow for the different skills and experience levels of our photographers, and to allow the judge to adjust their scoring accordingly, the Monthly PDI and Print Leagues are split into General and Advanced League (the website calls these divisions). 

For these competitions the General League entries will be shown and scored first and then the Advanced League which is scored separately.  

Members will be asked to nominate their preferred league by the last Monday in September, and the leagues published after the entry deadline for the first competition.  As a guide we suggest members nominate based on the following guidance


  • PAGB or RPS Accreditation, BPE/FIAP,  and/or
  • 1st/2nd/3rd in a Monthly League or PPOTY/POTY winner  and/or
  • Consistently having image(s) scoring 18+


  • Inexperienced camera club member (e.g. < 2-3 years) and/or
  • Rarely/occasionally having image(s) scoring 18+

New members joining the club mid-season would be added to the most appropriate league.

The Committee will advise if they feel the chosen league may not be suitable or when members should consider moving between leagues e.g. if they win PDI and/or Print General League 2 years running or majority of images scoring 18+.

Annual Competitions

Annual Competitions are usually scored First, Second, Third, Highly Commended and Commended.

For the purposes of recording scores on the website, scoring based on placing will be converted into a points score: First (20), Second (19), Third (18), HC (17), C(16), all other images (15).


Whenever possible a single judge, who is not a member of the Society, will be appointed for each monthly and annual competition. In the event of an external judge not being available, the committee will reschedule the competition to the nearest available club night or arrange an adhoc Zoom judging.